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SAC Distinguished Alum Ed Prado | Alamo Colleges District MOSAICO

Wed Mar 27, 2024
The 2nd Annual Alamo Colleges District MOSAICO Gala, organized by the Alamo Colleges Foundation, welcomed higher education supporters at the Witte Museum to raise funds in support of the Alamo Colleges moonshot – partnering to end poverty through education and training.By combining last-dollar scholarships and wraparound program support, AlamoPROMISE seeks to enhance economic and social mobility and meet workforce demands by helping students complete college and obtain the necessary skills to hold high-wage, high-demand jobs.During the event, MOSAICO spotlighted the accomplishments of AlamoPROMISE students and distinguished alumni, including the Hon. Edward C. Prado, a former San Antonio College alumnus. Judge/Ambassador Prado is the former United States Ambassador to Argentina and a distinguished federal jurist.Read Prado's bio here: